The Battle Book Project

I tend to be an unfocused person, I love learning new things and so I jump from thing to thing often.  But I look back on the last 25 years or so, and I have been very focused with my prayer life.  That kind of astonished me when I realized how long I’ve been at it. 

Why have I been at it so long?  Because of the relationship that I’m building within this practice, and that relationship matters most to me in my life.  Talking to God has been the strong sturdy support I’ve needed throughout my life in every season.  It has been the best thing I have done for myself, and it can be that for you too.

Another great thing in that starting or if you have been at it a little while or a long while, you are already doing it right.  You can’t perfect this one (talking to myself, the occasional perfectionist).  God already meets you right where you are and answers your prayers with His Presence with you. 

I am here to encourage you to start or start again and start again and start again. Keep at it even if it’s been awhile, there is never ever a wrong time to start.  I will offer suggestions, use them if they work for you, or find the things that work best for you to build your prayer life.  But build it!

Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7 AMP

Not only will this be a sturdy foundation for you but you will also be able to extend your prayers out for others too.  This is a hurting world that needs to know God’s love and your prayers can help that happen.

Thank you so much for your time to talk to read through my first blog.  I hope you enjoyed it and found something of use in it. 

We have talked about how important prayer is in building your lifetime relationship with God.  There is no proper and correct way to do it, it just needs you to start and start again, when needed.  Let me know in the Comments, where you are at in this journey: Just Starting, Starting Again, or At It Awhile. 

Next, we will discuss three steps for starting.  Please send any questions that you may have and I’ll get an answer to you.  I’ll post a few that may help others soon. 

See you in the prayer pages!

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