4. Chatting With Prayer Warrior Mary Nell
Hello, my fellow prayer warriors! I would like you to know Mary Nell. She’s one of my favorite people of prayer. I’ve known Mary Nell for 20 years of my life now. She helped me start in Moms In Prayer which fueled my prayer life and supported me through the hands-on motherhood years and beyond. […]
Here are five tools for starting a prayer practice. ONE Write out prayers using Scripture. I will give more in-depth guidance on this in future blogs. One neat thing, Scripture is God’s Word, so when you use Scripture, you are speaking God’s language to Him. Next week I will have some reference books that do […]
I tend to be an unfocused person, I love learning new things and so I jump from thing to thing often. But I look back on the last 25 years or so, and I have been very focused with my prayer life. That kind of astonished me when I realized how long I’ve been at […]